2022, Number 01
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (01)
Management of symptomatic tracheal stenosis during pregnancy. Report of a case
López-Marenco ME, Hernández-Pacheco JA, Nares-Torices MÁ, Rodríguez-Montenegro MS, Moisés-Hernández JF, Hernández-Albores E
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 103-106
PDF size: 378.16 Kb.
Background: Tracheal stenosis is a complication of prolonged mechanical ventilation. There are few publications describing the multidisciplinary care of pregnant patients with tracheal stenosis.
Objective: To describe the case of a patient with tracheal stenosis secondary to prolonged intubation during pregnancy.
Clinical case: A 25-year-old patient, 38.2 weeks pregnant, came to the emergency department due to dyspnea and stridor in the upper airway. Physical examination revealed stridor with respiratory distress, tachycardia and oxygen saturation of 90%. Oxygen was administered through nasal prongs at a rate of 3 liters per minute. Ultrasound of the airway showed: tracheal stenosis of 60% of the lumen. CT scan reported: tracheal stenosis of 54% of the lumen, at T1-T2. The tracheostomy did not result in maternal or fetal complications. Pregnancy proceeded smoothly to completion.
Conclusions: Tracheal stenosis can be a complication of prolonged mechanical ventilation. Temporary or definitive correction can be made during pregnancy, with minimal impact on the mother and fetus.
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