2020, Number 4
Implications of COVID-19 pandemic for dental care: a perspective for clinical dentists
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 805.63 Kb.
Introduction: Dental care is going to change dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the future, it will become more important; resounding and necessary changes will emerge, but it will improve for good.Objective: To know the perspectives of Peruvian clinical dentists on the changes and repercussions that the COVID-19 pandemic has and will have in dental care.
Materials and methods: Qualitative study with a phenomenographic approach that used the technique of in-depth interview with clinical dentists in the context of quarantine in April 2020 in Lima (Peru). The interview was carried out digitally and the categories included: role of the dentist, inconveniences in healthcare practice, solutions and strategies in the face of the pandemic, insights from government measures, prevention measures, future dental care, and protocols for care in front of a patient diagnosed with coronavirus.
Results: Dentists are clear that both clothing and equipment in the office must be subject to protective measures to protect the patient and health personnel present; this includes that environments must be spaced, spacing patient-patient care.
Conclusions: There is great concern among dentists over the sudden closure of dental clinics and the increase of infected people since they are on the first line of contagion when having direct contact with patients. Dental services will have to adapt to the new guidelines and protocols given. The way of dental care will change, prioritizing urgencies and emergencies to lessen the spread of the disease and achieve safer and more adequate care.
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