2020, Number 3
Stability and peri-implant bone level of post-extractive implants in elderly patients
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 788.46 Kb.
Introduction: Post-extractive implants shorten the time in achieving the rehabilitation of the patient, being this condition an essential factor to restore the quality of life to elderly patients at short term.Objective: To determine the stability values and peri-implant bone loss in post-extractive implants in elderly patients.
Material and Method: A cohort study was carried out in 99 elderly patients at Raúl González Sánchez Dental School of Havana from 2017 to 2019. Under the consent of the patients, 173 post-extractive implants were placed. Bone support type, and primary and secondary stability were determined on the basis of a resonance frequency analysis with Ostell Mentor®. The peri-implant bone level and peri-implant bone loss were measured until 12 months after rehabilitation.
Results: Implants were mainly positioned in the maxillary incisive site in 43,3 % of the cases. The average values of primary and secondary stability were 48 ISQ and 68 ISQ, respectively. The average bone loss after 12 months of rehabilitation was 1,04 ± 0,22 mm.
Conclusions: Post-extractive dental implants were inserted preferably in the maxillary incisive site and in D2 bone type, registering moderated average values of primary stability and substantial average values of secondary stability. The peri-implant vertical bone loss exhibited implants with similar values than those in the healed areas and within the standardized value for peri-implant bone loss within the first year after implant placement.
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