2021, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2021; 38 (1)
Scorpion sting poisoning and its outpatient treatment in the Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora
Frías-Mendívil M, García-Pérez MC, Canales-Guerrero CJ, Valdez-Haro A, Cano-Rangel MA, Martínez-Medina MÁ, Martínez-Carballo ÉM, Monroy-Zúñiga ÉA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 13-21
PDF size: 164.60 Kb.
In 2018 Scorpion Sting Envenomation (SSE) in Mexico occurred 19,966 times in children under 5 years of age. In
Sonora, the
Centruroides sculpturatus sting causes neuromotor excitation syndrome that requires specific antiven. The
objective of this work was to describe the ABSTRACT
In 2018 Scorpion Sting Envenomation (SSE) in Mexico occurred 19,966 times in children under 5 years of age. In
Sonora, the Centruroides sculpturatus sting causes neuromotor excitation syndrome that requires specific antiven. The
objective of this work was to describe the clinical characteristics and treatment of the outpatient in children with SSE at
the Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora (HIES) from 2017 to 2018. The clinical notes of the Emergency Service of the
children who were treated during that period with SSE and, without serious or hospitalized intoxication. Epidemiological
and clinical variables were analyzed in children under 18 years old; with the information obtained, a descriptive analysis
was carried out by mean, standard deviation and frequency and percentage. The 279 cases were analyzed, school-age
children were the most affected (41.2%), and 55.8% presented mild intoxication SSE. Pain was observed in 65.9% and
the 72.6% of the children, they received at least one vial of drug therapy and 55.9% of the boys with mild SSE only
received one vial with satisfactory results. None of the children who received drug therapy presented adverse events or
required hospitalization, only one child received six vials and the administration of the drug in less than 4 hours decreased
the percentage of children with serious neurotoxic effects.
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