2021, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2021; 38 (2)
Martínez-Medina MÁ, Cano-Rangel MA, Palacios-Castro RA, Canales-Guerrero CJ, Hurtado-Valenzuela JG
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 102-117
PDF size: 352.27 Kb.
Measles virus is one of the most highly contagious human pathogens known. A typical case of measles is easily recognized
during outbreaks, the clinical diagnosis is challenging to many clinicians who have not seen measles in patients.
A generalized maculopapular rash, fever and cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis has a high sensitivity. The most common
laboratory method for confirming measles is detection of measles virus–specific IgM antibodies in a blood specimen.
Measles has historically been a serious disease in malnourished Mexican children, and was recognized as one of the
main causes of infant morbidity and mortality. Two doses of measles-containing vaccine is the standard of care for the
prevention of measles.
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Husada D, Kusdwijono, Puspitasari D, Kartina L, Basuki PS, Ismoedijanto. An evaluation of the clinical features of measles virus infection for diagnosis in children within a limited resources setting. BMC Ped. 2020; 20(5): 3-10.
Strebel PM, Orenstein WA. Measles. N Engl J Med. 2019; 381; 4: 2019:349-357.
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Analucia RX, Thalles Rodrigues, Lucas Santos, Gilmar Lacerda. Clinical laboratorial diagnosis and prophylaxis of measles in Brazil. J Bras Patol Med Lab. 2019; 55(4): 390-95.
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Lo Vecchio A, Krzysztofiak A, Montagnani C for the SITIP Measles Study Group, et al. Complications and risk factors for severe outcome in children with measles. Arch Dis Child. 2020;105(9): 896-899.
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Husada Kusdwijiono D, Puspitasari D, Kartina L. An evaluation of the clinical features of measles virus infection for diagnosis in children within a limited resources setting. BMC Ped. 2020; 20(5); 3-10.
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Secretaría de Salud. Dirección General de Epidemiología. Manual de Procedimientos Estandarizados para la Vigilancia Epidemiológica de las Enfermedades Prevenibles por Vacunación. Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Enfermedad Febril Exantemática, 19-39.