2020, Number 2
Cuestiones bioéticas de la evaluación psicológica
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: Bioethics arose in the seventies in the United States, precisely because of the need to establish ethical principles that, in some way, governed the practice of health professionals in a general sense.Objective: Determine the bioethical aspects related to psychological assessment.
Methods: A thematic review was conducted based on the specialized literature that had current and relevant information, regardless of the year of its publication. The search was carried out in the database: IntraMed, PubMed, Academic Google, Cochrane and Medline, using descriptors in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Books, manuals and printed protocols on the subject were also consulted.
Information analysis and integration: The licit applications of science are those that respect and serve the integral development of individuals and their environment. Human beings accept to assume certain risks when the scientist guarantees: the equality and usefulness of the study, the protection and respect for the subjects who participate, and the reliability of the results obtained. There are multiple codes that regulate biomedical research, which are adapted to each country, taking into account its technological development, idiosyncrasy and culture.
Conclusions: Psychological assessment is a challenge for a health professional, as it must take into account ethical principles, mainly self-determination, benefit and justice.
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