2020, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2020; 17 (2)
Efectividad de la psicoterapia experiencial correctiva en drogodependientes en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana
García PH, Lorenzo RA, Cerquera CAM, Verdecia MMR, Santana GY, Blanco LL
Language: Spanish
References: 21
PDF size: 318.00 Kb.
Introduction: Psychological traumas are negative life events that tend to leave emotional sequelae that become traits in the event of non-treatment. The corrective experience is considered effective for the treatment of such traumas.
Objective: Demonstrate the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Corrective Experiential Psychotherapy program for emotional disorders in drug addicts.
Methods: It was a technological development research with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), used as a design and evaluation of health programs, based on the principle of the psychotherapeutic group as an agent of change, enhanced by participatory coordination. The pre-test and post-test evaluations of the group as its own control, the procedural assessment, and follow-up to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment were used.
Anxiety, depression, anger and other negative feelings, awareness of illness and assertiveness were assessed before and at the end of treatment.
Results: Initial group anxiety and depression, both state and trait, were high. Other negative emotions that broaden the diagnosis were present. All participants went through some psychotraumatic experience that left emotional sequelae. Both anxiety and depression were reduced at the end of the treatment.
Awareness of illness and assertivity were increased. The follow-up showed the preservation of abstinence, at least during the first six months after discharge.
Conclusions: The implemented program is effective for emotional recovery of the users, and the enhancement of their psychological well-being.
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