2019, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2019; 16 (1)
Therapeutic alternative for smoking patients suffering from primary insomnia
Guerra GMM
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 46-62
PDF size: 442.70 Kb.
Introduction: Smoking is the main preventable cause of disease, disability and premature death. It is currently recognized as a risk factor for multiple conditions, however, few studies are collected in the scientific literature that demonstrate its incidence in sleep disorders.
Objective: Assess the application of an alternative therapeutic intervention based on the combination of
smoking cessation treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Method: A prospective, descriptive research was carried out, based on the assessment of an alternative therapeutic intervention, which was the result of the combination of a smoking cessation treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy for smoking patients affected with primary insomnia, who had already had pharmacological treatment and maintained persistence of the disorder.
Results: After the combined therapeutic intervention, 94.59% of the subjects studied improved their sleep quality. 83.78% achieved tobacco abstinence and 10.81% maintained a low physical dependence on nicotine. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between the variables smoking abstinence and good sleepers. With the application of the treatment, 94.54% of patients were very satisfied.
Conclusions: The implemented therapeutic alternative contributes to the clinical improvement of both health conditions in unison. Likewise, its added value is the high durability of its benefits and that it has no side effects.
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