2020, Number 6
Dentinogenesis imperfecta-type II dentistry management
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 213.04 Kb.
Introduction: Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI) is a hereditary alteration that originates in the stage of histodifferentiation during odontogenesis; it represents a type of localized mesodermal dysplasia, characterized by an expressed alteration of dentin proteins.Case Report: a 6-year-old-male patient came to Antonio Briones Montoto Teaching Dentistry Clinic on December 2019; he was referred by genetics service. The diagnosis of dentinogenesis imperfecta-type II was established, of autosomal dominant character without sex predominance. Temporary teeth were rehabilitated with metal crowns, to avoid further abrasion of the teeth, performing a restoration of the masticatory function and replacement of the lost vertical dimension. Laser therapy with fluoride was applied to the present first permanent molars and lower central incisors to increase the resistance of the enamel.
Conclusions: imperfect dentinogenesis type II affects the first dentition and may appear in the permanent one; based on genetic evaluation, clinical and radiological characteristics of this alteration, it is necessary to establish a precise diagnosis in order to start a timely treatment and follow-up of the patient.
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