2020, Number 6
Invasive breast cancer according to molecular subtypes in Pinar del Río province
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 619.41 Kb.
Introduction: breast cancer is one of the most common diseases in women in several countries.Objective: to characterize invasive breast cancer according to molecular subtypes in Pinar del Río province during the period 2013-2015.
Methods: cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study developed at III- Congreso Oncology Hospital in Pinar del Río province during the period 2013- 2015. From a target group of 452 patients with diagnosis of breast cancer, a sample of 198 was intentionally chosen, accomplishing the inclusion criteria. The analysis of clinical histories allowed collecting information giving output to the studied variables, recoursing to the descriptive statistics for the analysis of the results. Medical ethics was met.
Results: tumors were located in the left breast in 67 % of the cases, predominating tumors of less than 2 centimeters in 51.5% of them. Nodal chain metastases occurred in 25.8% of patients, with a predominance of numerical invasion of the human epidermal growth factor subtype-2 receptor (EGFR-2) in 38.1%, this molecular subtype also being the one with the highest degree of histological differentiation (grade III), with 91.7% of the total.
Conclusions: the adequate localization, determination of tumor size, invasion into axillary lymph node chains of breast cancer, as well as the determination of the degree of histological differentiation, supported by immunohistochemical studies allow the correct medical actions, directing the therapy to be applied depending on the characteristics shown by means of these studies.
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