2020, Number 5
Factors associated with low birth-weight in Pinar del Río municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 384.54 Kb.
Introduction: low birth-weight is currently a global health problem and one of the causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality that affects the quality of life of surviving children.Objective: to identify the main risk factors affecting the incidence of low birth- weight in Pinar del Río municipality.
Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional research based on the review of the factors associated with low birth-weight was conducted taking as a target group the low birth-weight infants in the four health areas of Pinar del Río municipality during 2019.
Results: the factors that most influenced in the incidence of low birth-weight were: delayed intrauterine growth (40,8 %) and preterm birth (34,7 %), the age group from 20 to 24 turned out to be the one that contributed with the highest number of low weight newborns and most of them completed pre-university education. Regarding the conditions associated with pregnancy: vaginal discharge syndrome was found to be more prevalent (30,6 %), hypertension and anemia with 25,5 % and 22,4 % of the cases respectively, and non-smoking women predominated during pregnancy.
Conclusions: low birth-weight continues to be a health problem in the municipality as well as the indispensable need for knowing the factors associated with low weight at birth in order to be able to act and modify the risks that affect its incidence.
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