2020, Number 3
COVID-19 in pediatric patients from Pinar del Rio province
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 226.38 Kb.
Introduction: coronaviruses are named for the peculiar crown-shaped viral particles that cover their surface, several species are newly investigated and there is little information about transmission, severity and clinical effects.Objective: to characterize pediatric patients with COVID-19 attended in Pinar del Río province.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 15 patients with COVID-19 admitted to Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio Clinical-Surgical Teaching Hospital was conducted from March 26th to May 12th, 2020. The studied was completed by means of a non-probabilistic sampling. Descriptive statistical methods were applied to process the information collected.
Results: the most represented age group was seven -12 years old and male gender (60 vs. 40 %); 53,3% of patients developed a non-complicated infection and bronchial asthma was the most frequent comorbidity. The most reported symptom on admission was fever (60 %). In the chest X-ray the hilar thickening showed a greater presentation, without significant alterations in the laboratory studies. The total number of cases studied was treated with oral Oseltamivir.
Conclusions: COVID-19 has rapidly become a global health threat. Male schoolchildren were more prone to infection and the disease presented non-severe clinical syndromes.
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