2021, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (3)
My dads do not live it the same as me: brothers of children with autism
Tlalpachícatl CN, Gómez MMEL
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1251-1276
PDF size: 432.67 Kb.
Investigations that include the siblings of children with autism,
it has been found that there are positive aspects such as greater
empathy, assertiveness, willingness to support the sibling,
although negative aspects have also been found such as early
responsibility, increased stress, depression; it depends on
several factors such as individual aspects, age, family climate,
type and degree of disability of the sibling. The experiences of
parents of children with autism have also been investigated and
they find positive aspects such as increased sensitivity,
organization, discipline and negative aspects such as stress
and depression. However, there are few papers that describe
the experiences of siblings and parents to identify how they
coincide and how they differ. The purpuse of this article was to
analyze the life experiences of siblings of children with autism
spectrum disorder and compare them with the experiences of
their parents. Interviews were conducted with siblings and
parents, then a qualitative analysis was made through the
Atlas.ti software of coincidences and differences between the
experiences of 23 siblings of children with autism spectrum
disorder who are at risk of presenting internalized, outsourced
and mixed problems ( 8 to 12 years), with the experiences
reported by their parents. It was found that there are differences
between siblings and parents in
information about autism,
family climate, relationship between siblings and
present and
future concerns. The differences found are indicators of the
need for interventions aimed at siblings including parents so
that both are heard and thus promote communication and
interaction between them.
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