2021, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (3)
Psychological intervention in a case of reactive hypertension or white-coat
Bravo GMC, Vaquero CJE
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1219-1237
PDF size: 390.84 Kb.
The spectrum of applications of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
techniques has expanded significantly with the passage of time, until
it incorporates problems that are apparently far from the field of
psychological or behavioral in the strictest sense; an example is the
case presented, where the results of a non-pharmacological
intervention are shown through second-generation cognitivebehavioral
intervention strategies in a woman with reactive
hypertension who had to undergo a surgical procedure. The results
show a change in blood pressure values towards normotension, which
allowed the surgical procedure to be performed after three times when
it had to be postponed. In conclusion, the psychological preparation
of people with reactive hypertension related to a surgical procedure
can be beneficial from the first moment these elevations in blood
pressure are detected, with which medical interventions could be
carried out in a timely manner, as well as favoring the reduction of
costs in the hospital institution derived from the reprogramming of this
type of procedure.
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