2020, Number 2
Synchronous tumor disease
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 89-95
PDF size: 716.02 Kb.
Synchronous tumors are extremely rare. With the objective of describing diagnostic elements and therapeutic behaviours, and to update the topic through a brief review of the literature, it is presented a case of a 66-year-old male patient that attends to consultation due to rectorrhagia. Tumors of sigmoid colon and left kidney function were diagnosed. Laparoscopic surgery was performed simultaneously: radical nephrectomy and sigmoidectomy with satisfactory perioperative results. It was concluded that as the synchronism of the tumor is rare, it must be considered in the evaluation of any tumor. However, the synchrony of renal and colon tumors is the most frequent. Laparoscopic surgery is an alternative for the treatment of these tumors in the same surgical act. Perioperative and oncological results of the patient suggest that, despite being a complex surgical act, it should be considered the option of performing simultaneously both surgeries, being always guaranteed the presence of an experienced work team.REFERENCES
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