2021, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (3)
Relational needs of social reintegration in drug users in residential treatment
García AVR, Velázquez AM, Muñoz RC, García RLA, Lavariega CMA, Fernández CC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 972-995
PDF size: 420.71 Kb.
Introduction. Difficulties in establishing satisfactory relationships
constitute a risk factor for the social reinsertion of drug users.
Aim. To
explore relational needs of social reinsertion in patients undergoing
residential treatment for drug use.
Methodology. Qualitative crosssectional
study with focus groups. The sessions were audio-recorded,
transcribed and analyzed through the triangulation of the researcher
and systematized through thematic analysis.
Results. It were
identified the family support, the recovery of confidence, the
establishment and respect of agreements, changes in forms of
communication and interaction, understanding of family members,
and the ability to self-control the consumption of substances as
protective elements for social reintegration; while the difficulties to
face the consumption of substances in the family, work and with
friends; the infantilization of the patient by family members; the lack of
recognition of the patient as a father figure by his partner, and
difficulties in the expression of emotions as elements of risk.
Conclusions. It is recommended to empower patients to apply the
skills developed in the therapeutic community in improving their
relationships and in regaining the trust of their partner and family, by
strengthening their assertiveness.
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