2020, Number 3
Healthcare-associated infection in the post-surgical postnatal period
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 35-46
PDF size: 898.02 Kb.
Introduction: infection associated with in-hospital care constitutes an important public health problem for the patient, the community and the state. Objective: to describe the behavior of infections related to in-hospital care in the postnatal surgical service of Hospital Materno 10 de Octubre, in the period 2015 - 2016. Methods: variables that gave way to the proposed objective were operationalized along with compliance with the principle of data confidentiality. Results: post-cesarean infection occurred in approximately three patients for every 100 discharges in women who underwent the cesarean surgery. The highest rates were noted 20 and 34 years of age with a frequency of 68.2%. Regarding the infection risk factors related to the surgery, 38.4% correspond to the group of women who underwent emergency surgery and 25.9%. The predominant risk factor was anemia with 50.9% so afflicted. The most frequent infection location, affecting 54.8%, was the surgical wound. Conclusion: it was described an increasing incidence of infection was noted in women who underwent cesarean surgery.REFERENCES
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