2002, Number 4
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2002; 45 (4)
Risk of exposure to lead in the mothers and babies
Rivera ALM
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 164-169
PDF size: 44.60 Kb.
Lead (Pb) poisoning is a public health problem that mainly affects children and pregnant women, placing the unborn fetus at risk. Lead stored in the mother’s bones can move to the blood, cross the placenta wall and provoke neurological, hematological and other fetal organ damage. Lead poisoning in children is serious, some symptoms being: irritability, abdominal pain, ataxia, convulsions, learning deficiency and hyperactivity; in newborns this could manifest itself in low birth weight, aggressive behavior and maybe fetal anencephalos.
There are various methods for measuring lead levels in the skin, nails, bones and blood. The most trusted, safe and economic method is espectrophotometry of atomic absorption.
The criteria for controlling blood lead levels (Center for Diseases Control (CDC), USA and the Official Mexican Norms) are obligatory and they determine the path to be taken in cases of lead poisoning. Education of the population in the prevention and treatment of such cases is important. This will help in two ways, firstly, improving nutrition, using calcium, iron and zinc supplements that help to reduce lead in the body and secondly, eliminating environmental and occupational sources.
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