2020, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2020; 46 (4)
Social justice in health and its relationship with Chagas disease
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 466.53 Kb.
Chagas disease is one of the conditions considered as "neglected," according to the World Health Organization, is one of the 17 diseases that affect especially people living on the tropics.
To describe the research status concerning Chagas disease in healthcare social justice settings.
A narrative review was carried out, which included 21 empirical studies on social justice, bioethics and Chagas disease. The search was carried out in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The procedure was developed in four stages: bibliographic search, data systematization, article selection, final evaluation and thematic analysis after open coding. Clinical studies were excluded, while the quality of their methodology was not taken into account for their inclusion. Twenty-one empirical studies with different quantitative, qualitative and mixed designs were reviewed, from Latin America, the United States, and Europe. The review was conducted without a time limit and included studies up to the date the research was conducted.
Multidisciplinary approaches that involve healthcare activities, population living conditions, and health status are tools for reducing the incidence of Chagas disease in the long term. This disease is associated with experiences of marginalization and rural poverty, with multiple impediments for healthcare access, aspects related to social justice in health and bioethics, all present in sociocultural, political and economic processes that can be analyzed from the field of public health.
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