2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2020; 46 (3)
Debating on Neuromarketing
Suárez LN
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 451.59 Kb.
While marketing is poorly known and used in public health, in the commercial and political spheres it is not only used but it is transiting to neuromarketing. That is the reason for the present article to have the aim of debating and thinking about if it is needed or not to use marketing in public health, as long as public policies that protect the population will be defended and preserved. Neuromarketing is the use of all the techniques of Neurosciences for the understanding of the brain dymanics after the stimulus of marketing. The relation between marketing and scientific knowledge contributes to the encounter and dialogue among neurology, psychology, psychiatry and economy. Neuromarketing conceptual framework and a research which endorses that it can go beyond the traditional market studies for an accurate segmentation are still poor. It can be observed that its results might be used to infringe privacy and to manipulate people using neurosciences. As final considerations, it can be said that the fallacies underlying this issue makes necessary to define if neuromarketing has an actual proved scientific evidence, and if it will be the case, to favor its use in market researches and to evaluate if it is possible to apply it to ´´sell health´´. The ethical implication that can promote the support of neurosciences to this approach for the implementation of projects with lucrative purposes might cause a new problem for public health, and it is needed to be prepared for detecting and facing it.
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