2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2020; 46 (3)
Globalization, social inequalities and financialization of health: debate on the Colombian case
Arrivillaga M, Salcedo GJP
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 447.38 Kb.
This article has the aim of presenting the essence and capitalist forces of globalization as a historical phenomenon by showing the scopes of its intervention and its effects on human life in general terms. The article deepens in the globalization- financial markets relation and how its impacts link with social inequalities and its expression in the case of the health sector in Colombia. It is questionned the role of Health Promotion companies in that country and it is showed how they have become bussiness groups with financial leverage of inconceivable bussinesses in the national and transnational fields. There was step by step a configuration of unrecognizable structures and hard to audit which along together to the lack of political will for an structural reformation fo the health and the social wellfare systems in Colombia make the country to remain in a complex scenario; even after many social disputes it was declared in 2015 that health care is a fundamental human right.
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