2020, Number 3
Nutritional pattern in patients with gout
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Gout is a metabolic disease characterized by mono-articular inflammatory conditions primarily in the lower limbs; The main complication occurs at the renal level.Objective: The dietary pattern of patients with drops treated at the Andean Hospital of Chimborazo in the period between January 2018 and July 2019.
Methods: Basic, descriptive and correlational research, universe to 53 patients with gout diagnosis. The sample consisted of 47 cases that met the inclusion criteria. The eating pattern was determined taking into account nutritional status, lipid profile and level of knowledge about healthy nutrition. Pearson's correlation coefficient was applied to identify relationship between variables.
Results: Average age of 58.72 years with a predominance of patients between 50 and 59 years (44.68%) and with time of evolution of the disease between 1 and 5 years (61.70%). In 82.98% of the patients, excess nutritional alterations were identified, while 51.06% of them presented a low level of knowledge about healthy nutrition. Triglycerides were elevated in 46.81% of the patients, while 38.30% had an increase in total cholesterol.
Conclusions: There was a predominance of patients with a diagnosis of gout and adequate nutritional patterns. The greatest effects were the low level of knowledge about healthy nutrition and the increased presence of excess nutritional disorders. Inadequate nutritional patterns favor the activity of xanthine oxidase by increasing the production of uric acid and its serum and joint accumulation.
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