2020, Number 1-2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2020; 23 (1-2)
Social well-being, life satisfaction, and personal characteristics of violence
Vargas NBI
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 22-30
PDF size: 243.43 Kb.
The study of social well-being and life satisfaction has been related to social violence. The aim of this research was to analyze “normal” daily violent behavior, and how it is related to social well-being and life satisfaction. 456 people participated. The results showed significant negative correlations among personal characteristics of violence, such as humiliation, social well-being and life satisfaction. Significant negative correlations were also obtained with the factors, the intimate partner is to blame and jealousy. It was concluded that some types of violent behavior, such as humiliating and controlling the other, are part of daily life and can contribute to the continuation of violence and not having an acceptable well-being or life satisfaction, blaming the intimate partner when life’s goals are not met.
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