2020, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología 2020; 34 (2)
Diaphyseal pseudoarthrosis of the ulna and radius treated with the RALCA® model external minifixator and homologous bone graft
Tarragona RRJ, Izquierdo RF, González RJA, Chao CLA, Rodríguez AMÁ, Wu T
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 407.11 Kb.
Diaphyseal pseudoarthroses of the ulna and radius constitute a therapeutic challenge for the orthopedic surgeon, due to the difficulty to achieve and maintain the reduction of two parallel bones in the presence of pronator and supinator muscles that exert angular and rotational influences.
To evaluate the effectiveness of using external minifixator combined with homologous bone graft in the treatment of this condition.
A longitudinal, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out with 74 patients operated on, from January 2000 to December 2014, for diaphyseal pseudoarthrosis of the ulna or radius at Frank País International Orthopedic Scientific Complex, cases in which RALCA
® external minifixation and homologous bone graft from the ORTOP Tissue Bank were used.
Pseudoarthrosis was more frequent in men (73%) and at ages 30-39 years. The most frequent location was the ulna, in its upper third (52%). Most of the patients had nonviable pseudoarthrosis (56%). The condition was consolidated in 66% of the patients within 18 weeks, and only one did not achieve consolidation. The bone that took the least time to heal was the radius. In the evaluation of the effectiveness of the surgical technique, 62% obtained good outcomes; 33%, fair outcomes; and 5%, poor outcomes.
The association of the RALCA
® model miniexternal fixation and homologous bone graft from the Bank showed good outcomes in the treatment of ulna and radius pseudoarthrosis.
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