2020, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2020; 72 (3)
Respiratory ventilation and intubation as risk factors for pneumonia in a tertiary hospita
Roque-Roque JS, Pereira-Victorio CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 315.98 Kb.
Healthcare-associated pneumonia worsens the clinical prognosis of patients and exerts economic pressure on health systems.
Determine the risk for healthcare-associated pneumonia among patients exposed to ventilation / intubation and other intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted of the patients admitted to Adolfo Guevara Velazco National Hospital in Cusco in the year 2017. A sample was chosen which was composed of two groups: with and without a pneumonia diagnosis. The estimated sample size was 67 (15 in the pneumonia group and 52 in the non-pneumonia group). Inferential analysis was performed along two stages, using hypothesis contrast tests followed by logistic regression. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors were collected for each patient.
Most patients were female (53.7%). Mean age was 70.6 years. The intensive care unit service had the highest proportion of cases (42.9%). A significant association was found with the use of ventilation/intubation, as well as with extrinsic factors such as tracheostomy, secretions aspiration, enteral nutrition and blood transfusion. None of the intrinsic factors had a significant association in the bivariate analysis. In the logistic regression analysis, patients subjected to ventilation/intubation had 5.27 times the risk of contracting pneumonia, whereas patients subjected to blood transfusion had 12.75 times the risk.
Patients exposed to ventilation/intubation were at greater risk of developing healthcare-associated pneumonia. Blood transfusion was another associated factor.
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