2020, Number 4
Factors associated with psychological coping with COVID-19 during quarantine period
Language: Spanish
References: 39
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Introduction: Although multiple clinical evidence is being generated about COVID-19, it is also critical to address the strategies and actions that people have adopted to face stressful situations during the mandatory quarantine due to the pandemic.Objective: To determine the factors associated with psychological coping to COVID-19 in the general population.
Method: Analytical cross-sectional study. Participants were recruited through an online survey during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The level of passive and active coping was evaluated, using the coping scale against extreme risks. Additionally, using the mean of the passive and active coping scores, the association with sociodemographic variables, group membership, compliance with social isolation and the report of knowing someone diagnosed with COVID-19 was evaluated. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using generalized linear models.
Results: Of 463 participants, the majority was Peruvian (67,4 %), fully complying with social isolation measures (78,4 %). The mean active and passive coping scores were 54,1 and 30,3, respectively. 57,2 % and 54 % of the participants presented a level of active and passive coping above the mean, respectively. The factors associated with a high level of active coping were a high educational level (RP = 1,23) and complete compliance with social isolation measures (RP = 1,35).
Conclusion: Having a high educational level and compliance with social isolation were positively associated with a high level of active coping.
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