2020, Number 4
Incidence of lower limb muscle mass in maximum repetition in half squat
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Research on the incidence of appendicular muscle mass in muscle strength in healthy and clinical populations is scarce, making it difficult to practice and prescribe exercise for health professionals.Objective: Determine the relationship between lower limb muscle mass and maximum repetition in half squat in subjects trained in strength training with overloads.
Methods: Descriptive-correlational study with a sample of ten men's convenience (age 17,40 ± 2,32 years, a size of 172,10 ± 5,76 cm and a body mass of 79,13 ± 19,54 kg), the maximum strength was evaluated through a maximum repetition test in the half squat exercise, and the muscle mass of lower limbs was estimated through a predictive equation. The PSPP statistical package (95 % confidence level and a p-value of 0,05) was used for statistical analysis using the normality tests (Shapiro-Wilk) and Pearson correlational coefficient.
Results: The muscle mass of lower limbs and the maximum repetition in half squat was presented a normal distribution (p > 0,05), while the relationship between the muscle mass of lower limbs and the maximum repetition in the half squat was negative and not significant (r = -0,45; p > 0,05).
Conclusion: The muscle mass of lower limbs is negatively and not significantly related to the maximum repetition in half squat in subjects trained in strength training with overloads.
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