2020, Number 4
Complications in gynecological surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: Surgical procedures have risks and complications, which determine the prognosis of patients. The mortality rate of gynecological surgery is less than 1%, that of complications varies from 0.2 to 26%. Both are determined by risk factors such as age, pre-existing medical illness, obesity, previous surgeries, anemia, and cancer.Objective: To determine the main complications, their association with the preoperative diagnosis, the type of operation performed and the comorbidity in patients operated on for gynecological conditions.
Methods: Descriptive study in patients operated on by conventional and elective route. A series of 616 tributary patients of major elective surgery by conventional route were selected. The variables used were associated comorbidity, preoperative diagnosis, operation performed, and postoperative complications.
Results: Post-surgical complications occurred in 96 patients (15.5%). The most frequent were paralytic ileus (4.2% of the series and 26.04% of complications) and dome abscess (2.75% of the series and 17.7% of complications), mainly in who presented a history of obesity and association of risk factors.
Conclusions: The main complications of gynecological surgery were paralytic ileus and abscess of the cupola, complications mainly occurred in patients operated on for uterine myoma and ovarian tumor. According to the type of operation, they occurred in patients operated on for total abdominal hysterectomy with double adnexectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy without adnexectomy, and the most frequent comorbidities were obesity and the association of comorbidity.
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