2021, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2021; 20 (4)
Vegetarianism: an anthropometric, dietary and motivational
Ekmeiro-Salvador JE, Arévalo-Vera CR
Language: Spanish
References: 67
Page: 57-72
PDF size: 331.92 Kb.
Introduction: Vegetarianism is an expanding food model, which is why its study is of interest.
Objective: To characterize
a sample of people who define themselves as vegetarians, according to anthropometric and dietary parameters, as well as to
evaluate the reasons that motivate their eating behavior.
Material and method: the anthropometric-nutritional status was
evaluated through the body mass index and the diagnosis of cardio metabolic risk. The dietary evaluation was based on 24-
hour reminders and the practical motivations were evaluated through a personal interview.
Results: 73.21% of the sample
obtained a normal anthropometric diagnosis, and 18.30% presented cardio metabolic risk. According to their diet, three
groups were differentiated: vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians; the group of vegetarians was the only one to show a caloric
profile proportionally adjusted to the energy and nutrient reference values established for the Venezuelan population. Vitamin
B12 deficiency is described as the main problem for all groups. The benefits on health, ecology and animal abuse appear as
the main reasons for its food orientation.
Conclusion: a wide adaptation of anthropometric and dietary parameters was
evidenced for the population studied, but particularly the group of vegetarians achieved a caloric profile provided within the
reference values established for the Venezuelan population.
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