2020, Number 4
The nursing staff’s role in modifying the level of information in diabetic aged adults
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is provoked by abnormal insulin secretion and variable degrees of peripheral insulin resistance, which lead to the onset of hyperglycemia.Objective: To assess the nursing staff role in modifying the level of information of diabetic aged adults.
Methods: Study of technological development, contextualized in Dr. Rudesindo García del Rijo Polyclinic of Sancti Spíritus Municipality, in the period from January to September 2019. The study variables were level of information, control of diabetes mellitus, care, health status, and risk factors present in aged adults with diabetes mellitus. A structured interview was used to know the level of information and care provided by the nursing staff; regarding improvement of health state, the Kaff and Lawton scale was applied. After applying the Nursing actions, the population proportions were compared using the Wilcoxon Test.
Results: The most prevalent risk factors were family history (87%) and inappropriate dietary habits (84.9%). 73.63% had a bad level of information at the beginning; After applying the nursing actions, 60% obtained a good level of information.
Conclusions: The nursing actions to modify the level of information of aged adults about diabetic adults were effective, in so far their level of knowledge was modified, together with care and health state of the diabetic patients who participated in the study.
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