2020, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2020; 59 (4)
Evaluation of the acute response to the bronchodilator in overweight and obese asthmatic patients
Díaz LO, Torres CAD, Fernández N, Carreras CL, Sarduy PMA, Terry VO, Morales EL
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 390.50 Kb.
Obesity is associated with the frequent use of rescue medication and suffering from more severe asthma. Obese asthmatics have less bronchial reactivity, however, there is limited information on the magnitude of acute bronchodilator reversibility.
To assess the magnitude of the acute response to the bronchodilator in overweight and obese asthmatic patients.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in 49 overweight and obese asthmatic patients seen in the outpatient clinic at Benéfico Jurídico Pneumologic Hospital from January 2017 to January 2018, and the acute response to bronchodilator was verified by spirometry.
Age predominated (40-59 years), greater association of suffering from asthma, and little improvement with the use of bronchodilator. The female sex (20-59 years) showed greater number than the male and less reversibility to bronchodilator. Patients with family pathological history of asthma or atopy represented 73.5% of the total. 76.5% of the obese did not show improvement with the use of bronchodilator. The category of moderate persistent severity predominated.
The female sex has greater risk of suffering from asthma and has no improvement when applying bronchodilator. Obese individuals over 40 years of age have higher risk of not having acute reversibility to the bronchodilator. Family pathological history of asthma or atopy and personal history of other diseases do not predispose to less acute reversibility of bronchodilator. The severity of asthma does not influence acute reversibility to bronchodilator.
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