2014, Number 6
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CuidArte 2014; 3 (6)
Formación científica en enfermeria. Un concepto que debe evolucionar
Trujillo JA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 6-13
PDF size: 440.59 Kb.
The concepts have evolved in a natural
way across the history of the humanity. When in
investigation these concepts turn into subjective
variables, it is necessary to possess a conceptual
definition. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish
Academy orientates the meaning of the words that
allow to define a concept. The aim of this paper is to
analyze and to propose a definition of the concept
“scientific formation to nursing” that is according
to the society of the 21st century. At present, the
technological advances are promoting to great
speed changes in the different spheres of the human
activity. In the schools of all the levels, one presents
the dilemma of facing the school learning against
the learning out-of-school. The teachers will have to
be capable of propitiating learnings, competitions
and motivations that are translated in the classroom
in actions of the student body that drive it to
assume values and a solid formation. The definition
here proposed, it emphasizes the fact that the
dimensions that they constitute to the first concept
and constructo later they are the competitions for
the investigation and the indicators depend on the
study plan.
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