2020, Number 2
Xebra: Mobile Application for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents.2019
Language: Spanish
References: 21
PDF size: 499.30 Kb.
Introduction: The development of eHealth and the use of mobile applications have contributed to the transition to a new paradigm in the sector, making both people and the medical team, interact in another dimension. It is known that for adolescents and young people, the mobile is an essential part of their lives and that they use it more and surely better than anyone.Objective: To build a mobile application aimed at adolescents with information on sexually transmitted infections and other key elements to maintain sexual and reproductive health.
Method: Xebra was built on Python version 2.7.8, an open source programming language. The application was subjected to various software tests such as: operation of the user interface, consistency of the interface, tests of user actions, tests of low-level resources and white box tests in order to guarantee the optimal functionality of the product. Likewise, the contents were reviewed by experts on the subject of adolescent sexual health.
Results: XEBRA contains four main blocks for interaction with users: Games sections, Basic information, Statistics and Self-evaluation.
Conclusions: A free mobile application with Android operating system was obtained, aimed at promoting content related to sexual health, which is available to Cuban adolescents.
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