2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2020; 31 (3)
Metric analysis of the scientific production about COVID-19 in Scopus
Ortiz-Núñez R
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 969.80 Kb.
Research about COVID-19 is the main scientific activity carried out at present. It is crucial to determine the productivity and visibility of research results associated to this disease. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the scientific production about COVID-19 recorded in the database Scopus in the period 2019 - April 2020. The study universe was all the open access papers about COVID-19 included in the database. The analysis was based on bibliometric indicators (number of papers, authors, year of publication, SJR, co-authorship networks and co-occurrence of terms and H index) and altmetric indicators (number of citations and mentions in social and scientific networks). Total scientific production was 676 papers. A predominance was found of the English language, multiple authorship and publication in SCImago first quartile journals (n= 655). A high rate of collaboration was observed (67 clusters of authors with co-authorship ratios of 1 to 7). Term co-occurrence analysis yielded 3 broad thematic groups, the main emerging research foci about COVID-19, related to description of the new coronavirus, clinical studies and treatments proposed. 95% of the publications have had at least one mention in social networks and a large number of citations. Production of scientific papers about COVID-19 has increased exponentially. It is characterized by a predominance of scientific collaboration, publication in high-impact journals and great visibility in social networks.
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