2017, Number 2
Historical evolution of the genetic foundations of atrial fibrillation
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 15-22
PDF size: 338.78 Kb.
The genetic basis of atrial fibrillation as part of the chronic diseases was recognized since 1943 when Wolff described it for the first time. The aim of this research was to update the scientific community on the historical evolution of the genetic foundations of atrial fibrillation. The search strategy for the information was carried out through Pubmed, Hinari, Lilacs and Ebsco queries. 220 articles were found and 34 references published between the years 2002 - 2017 were selected. The periodization was carried out in stages, a theoretical contribution that stratifies the genetic foundations of atrial fibrillation in three stages, one related to the identification of the genetic bases of the disease in 1943, a second stage related to the pattern of autosomal dominant inheritance, potassium channels, polymorphism and a third stage related to heritable biomarkers. Atrial fibrillation is related to a monogenic familial pattern and a non-familial multifactorial pattern. Alterations in the function of the potassium channel result from a decrease in the action potential and favor the reentry process. The genetic background of the disease is associated with heritable biomarkers such as blood pressure, height and obesity.REFERENCES
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