2017, Number 1
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Rev Cub Gen 2017; 11 (1)
Design and implementation of a methodology of Good Practices in the Department of Biochemical Genetics of the National Center of Medical Genetics of Cuba
Fuentes CI, Louro PY, Valdés FY, Acosta ST, Tudela CM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 35-42
PDF size: 345.25 Kb.
Cuban health institutions perform functions involving aims beyond clinical care, such as teaching and research; therefore, their services and facilities should meet the requirements established by the Guidelines on Good Clinical Laboratory Practice, issued by the Government Center for Drug Quality Control (CECMED, its Spanish acronym). Regarding the impact of quality control on the service outcome, we present a methodology aimed at the design and implementation of the Regulation 3/2009 on Good Clinical Laboratory Practice for the Department of Biochemical Genetics of the National Center of Medical Genetics of Cuba. A work methodology was developed based on the Demming cycle management tool (Plan-Do-Verify-Act) applied to the laboratories. The approach consisted in the creation of a working group on quality control, a step for the initial diagnosis to assess the staff knowledge and the actual compliance of the laboratory to the guideline requirements. Also, the working group was trained and the acquired knowledge was transmitted to the whole laboratory human resources, a documentary system was designed to assess quality control, along with auto-inspections by the stablished working group. An increment of knowledge about the Regulation No. 3/2009, regarding the initial diagnosis and the examinations after the group training. In addition, self-inspections related to the standards established by the CECMED demonstrated an improvement in the results. The implementation of the methodology was useful to fulfill the requirements of the Good Clinical Laboratory Practices in the Department of Biochemical Genetics.
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