2021, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (2)
Dilemmas surrounding the use of informed consent in qualitative research
Pérez CG, Cuevas JA, Saucedo RCL, Alarcón DIL, Campos HMÁ, Suárez CP, Bartolo EK, Canto MCE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 589-621
PDF size: 382.11 Kb.
Currently, informed consent is an unavoidable requirement for any research or intervention carried out with human beings, in any discipline. In the worst cases, obtaining informed consent has become a bureaucratized action to fulfill a formality. To understand how this has come to happen, it is necessary to know the conditions under which this requirement for research originated, the process through which it became an unavoidable condition for biomedical research, first, and then for research in general. This constitutes the initial section of this paper. This is followed by an analysis of the particularities of qualitative research and the reasons why the informed consent developed for biomedical research should not be used in a mechanical and uncritical way in qualitative research, both with adults and with minors. Finally, some alternatives to informed consent, as a punctual event that takes the form of a signed document at the beginning of the research, are presented, on the basis of an ethical reflexivity that encompasses the whole research, which should be part of the training of young researchers.
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