2019, Number 2
Nursing diagnosis within the domain safety and protection in critically-ill patients
Language: Portugués
References: 18
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 323.17 Kb.
Introduction: Critically-ill patients, admitted to an intensive care unit, are exposed to risks. Therefore, understanding the relationships between the elements involving their safety and protection becomes fundamental.Objective: To verify the association between the nursing diagnoses within the domain safety and protection of NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) International with its components in critically-ill patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit.
Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out through a form conducted on 86 critically-ill patients of a hospital in the northeast of Brazil. The chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were applied in the statistical analysis.
Results: The diagnosis of the risk of adverse response to the contrast medium with iodine presented statistical association with the components: physical and chemical properties of the contrast media, anxiety, concomitant use of medications, fragile veins, underlying disease, and age extremes. The diagnosis of the risk of imbalance in body temperature was associated with the altered metabolic rate, age extremes, and sedation.
Conclusion: These findings provide scientific advances for nursing by providing help in diagnostic inference, in the anticipation of care, and in the decision-making by the nursing staff.
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