2021, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2021; 44 (3)
Intimate-partner violence and its relationship with substance consumption by Mexican men and women: National Survey on Addictions
Natera RG, Moreno LM, Toledano-Toledano F, Juárez GF, Villatoro VJ
Language: English
References: 33
Page: 135-143
PDF size: 197.32 Kb.
Introduction. Research findings about intimate-partner violence (IPV) have focused mostly on women as victims
of violence. Recent studies show the importance of violence inflicted by women towards men or between
same-sex couples.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of intimate-partner violence and its association
with alcohol and drug consumption in a representative sample of men and women in Mexico through secondary
data analysis.
Method. The data come from a representative sample who filled out the section on intimate-
partner violence in the Mexican 2011 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones (National Survey on Addictions).
Results. The prevalence of intimate-partner violence in the last year was 17.6% against women and 13.4%
against men. If one of the two partners consumed substances, the risk that men and women would experience
violence increased, and that risk was even greater if both consumed.
Discussion and conclusion. This is the
first time violence against men was reported in a Mexican national study. The findings show that gender-based
violence should also be considered a result of social and cultural violence.
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