2019, Number 1
Family perception about psychosocial rehabilitation of alcoholic patients
Language: Portugués
References: 23
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 421.65 Kb.
Introduction: In the context of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, the family has been summoned to be co-responsible for providing assistance to consumers of alcohol and other drugs.Objective: To understand the perception of family members about the psychosocial rehabilitation of alcoholic patients.
Methods: Phenomenological study based on the Maurice Merleau-Ponty study, developed in the period from October to November 2013, through semi-structured interviews with seven relatives of alcoholic patients who received care in the Center for Psychosocial Care Alcohol and Other Drugs in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The analytical technique of ambiguity was used to understand the data.
Results: The results show that the family, while waiting for the rehabilitation and reintegration of their alcoholic relative, does not identify itself as co-responsible for the care; and depending on the position, it can both contribute and interfere in the effectiveness of the process.
Conclusions: It is essential to develop actions that reinforce breaking with social exclusion as part of intervention plans against alcoholism, which should include the family context.
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