2019, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2019; 35 (1)
Possibilities for the integrality of care the child in primary care
Antunes AFAC, da Rocha SS, de Oliveira GMT
Language: Portugués
References: 17
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 558.09 Kb.
Child healthcare includes actions for health promotion and prevention of diseases and grievances, which seeks to reduce infant mortality and, above all, provide quality of life to that population through comprehensive and high quality care.
To analyze the way in which the nurses of the Family Health Strategy develop comprehensive care during the nursing consultation to the child.
Descriptive, qualitative study carried out between January and April 2015, using the interview technique for fathering the data. The participants were 14 primary care nurses from Teresina-PI. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis technique was used.
Comprehensive care is understood as a look towards the totality of being, as the attention given to the person considering context and shared with other professionals of different levels of healthcare. In addition, it was noted that some problems impeded the development of comprehensive child care in the primary care scenario.
Comprehensive care benefits and qualifies the assistance offered to the child, producing health actions based on the care guidelines.
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