2021, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2021; 63 (4)
Health-care costs of breast cancer at the Institute of Social Security and Services for Government Workers in Mexico
Hernández-Nájera O, Cahuana-Hurtado L, Ávila-Burgos L
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 538-546
PDF size: 332.79 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the cost of common versus normative
practice in the treatment of breast cancer (BrCa)
at the Mexican Institute of Social Security and Services for
Government Workers (ISSSTE).
Materials and methods.
A process approach from the perspective of providers. We
identified the resources utilized during one year of treatment
through online questionnaires administered to oncologists
in various hospitals (common treatment) as well as by conducting
a clinical guidelines review (normative treatment).
Results. The cost of common treatment was USD113.6
million annually. For stage I cases, it proved 1.23 and 1.12
times higher in regional and general as opposed to highly
specialized hospitals. For stages 0-II cases, it was higher than
normative treatment owing to greater use of consultations
and chemotherapy.
Conclusions. BrCa accounts for 3.8% of
the ISSSTE budget in 2017. Achieving greater efficiency in the
use of resources allocated for BrCa treatment requires stricter
adherence to clinical guidelines as well as early detection.
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