2020, Number 4
Self-care of nursing students to prevent drug use
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction: In the university academic context, concrete risks can be evidenced regarding the consumption of licit or illicit drugs, due to various factors that must be studied to establish future prevention actions.Objective: To identify the individual responsibility of nursing students in the prevention of drug use, according to Orem's perspective.
Methods: The phenomenological method was used. The experiences of university nursing students about their self-care when faced with drug use were described and interpreted. The subjects studied were chosen by non-probabilistic intentional sampling. Thirty key informants studying nursing at the University of Guayaquil were studied. The information of interest was collected through in-depth interviews with the prior consent of the participants.
Results: The following categories of analysis were obtained: self-care according to the person concept, self-care according to the environment concept, self-care according to the health concept and self-care according to the nursing concept. Nursing students were shown to have the theoretical and scientific competencies for their self-care in relation to drug use. The person concept was highlighted, since the students felt vulnerable in terms of managing their self-esteem and controlling themselves.
Conclusions: The university environment studied has negative influence on the disposition of drug-free consumption, which shows that bioethical behavior does meet the principles of the discipline.
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