2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2020; 59 (3)
Mediastinum teratomas
Fuentes VE
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 522.02 Kb.
Teratomas are defined as “tumors of tissues foreign to the organ or anatomical site in which they originate.” Mediastinal teratomas are rare, accounting for about 5-10% of all mediastinal tumors.
To describe the outcomes of the surgical treatment of patients diagnosed with mediastinal teratomas.
Twelve patients treated between January 2001 and December 2018 were studied. The variables evaluated were sex, age, histological type (mature or immature), surgical access route, surgical accidents, and postoperative evolution.
Nine patients corresponded to the female sex and three, to the male. The average age was 33.3 years (17-60 years). There was an absolute predominance of the mature type (11). Median sternotomy was the most frequent access. Thoracotomy was performed when the bulky tumor occupied most of a hemithorax. The surgical accidents were lung tear and opening of the pericardium. Of two patients treated by video-assisted thoracic surgery, one was converted for bothersome venous bleeding. At one year of follow-up, all were alive, with no evidence of recurrence.
Contrary to expectations, there is predominance of the female sex, while age and histological type coincide with the literature. Sternotomy, even today, is commonly accepted, despite the rise of video-assisted thoracic surgery. Total resection produces excellent outcomes in benign teratomas.
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