2020, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2020; 26 (3)
Post-surgical atrial fibrillation in valve surgery
Gómez NK, Hechavarría PS, Pérez LH, Arazoza HA, Nápoles SI
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 248.73 Kb.
Introduction: Post-surgical Atrial fibrillation (PSAT) is associated to higher morbidity, early and long-term mortality, and a significative delay in hospital discharge.
Objective: The objective of this study was to describe PSAF behavior and outcome after valve surgery in La Havana Cardiovascular Institute.
Methods: The present work is an observational, analytic and retrospective study since November 2010 - 2018. It included 139 patients with post-surgical Atrial fibrillation diagnosis.
Results: The PSAF rate was 18.24%. The mean age was 46.9 ± 13.43 years. Rheumatic etiology had a higher prevalence (76.97 %). Pulmonary hypertension was frequently reported (26.61%). Mitral valve replacement (69,78%) was the most used surgical approach. Multi-organ dysfunction was the principal cause of death (31.8%). Most frequent complications before surgery were renal dysfunction and low output heart failure (46.04%).
Conclusion: The risk of death in a valve surgery was higher in patients who developed PSAF; more likely if they were overweight, had worsen functional class or decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. Anoxic cardiac arrest over 120 minutes and extracorporeal circulation time over 150 minutes were also risk factors for PSAF.
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