Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 35-44
PDF size: 155.60 Kb.
Introduction. The State Cancer Center (CECan)
of the State of Veracruz presents its hospital indicators
for the evaluation of its services and in
this work the indicators of 13 years are reflected
of period 2006-2018.
Objective. To present a brief
vision of the markers traditionally used in the CECan
of its 13-year productivity, in order to be able
to locate itself within the national panorama of
the State Cancer Centers dependent on the Ministry
of Health in coordination with the National
Cancer Institute.
Material and method. Retrospective
work carrying out an analysis of the hospital
indicators of the yearbooks from January 1,
2006 to December 31, 2018. The following were
analyzed: consultations, hospital admission and
discharge, surgical interventions, hospital occupation,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, pathological
studies, blood transfusions and nosocomial
infections, laboratory studies, hospital mortality.
Results. Most frequent age group 30-49, 65.2%
women-34.8% men; morbidity in consultation:
breast cancer, cervical cancer, leukemia, lymphoma,
prostate, ovary, digestive organs, endometrium
and testicle. Days of stay 5.2, for every 100
discharges 60 surgeries were performed, pathologies
treated with radiotherapy: breast cancer, cervical
cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, rectum,
endometrium. Increase in chemotherapy in 13
years of 16%, average annual nosocomial infections
20.2%, gross mortality in this period of 3.7%,
main causes of admission: breast cancer, cervix,
hematopoietic neoplasia and digestive organs.
Conclusions. This report on hospital indicators
could be a mirror of the other cancer centers or
services that treat this disease in Mexico, but unfortunately
the reports do not cover the totality of
hospital productivity.
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