2018, Number 25
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (25)
Didactic elements in surgery in the undergraduate: a qualitative study
Silva OV, Ortega BJ, McColl CP, Searle SM, Pérez SC, Escobar V
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 53-60
PDF size: 125.83 Kb.
Introduction: The challenges of this century in medical education are flexible curricula, integrators
of increasing complexity, centered on the students and their learning. In surgery teaching,
the student must acquire the necessary competences for the diagnosis, resolution and/or origin
of the surgical pathology.
Objective: To describe the didactic elements of the teaching of surgery in the medical degree
course of a private university.
Method: Qualitative study, based on the Grounded Theory of Strauss and Corbín13. Six lecturers
of the medical degree course who were selected according to theoretical sampling took part in
the study. The lecturers were interviewed individually after signing an informed consent form.
Semi-structured interviews were designed by the researchers. The analysis plan was created
from the constant comparison method up to the open coding level, using Atlas-ti 7.5.2.
Results: A total of 851 live codes were obtained, which helped to understand the general themes
that were obtained from the semi-structured interviews. In this way, the teaching elements of
undergraduate surgery teaching emerged as 3 categories: Progression of learning, associated
with the development of linear and recursive clinical reasoning, teaching methodologies of the
surgical discipline as the simulation, and the evaluation of the methodologies used.
Discussion: It has been possible to characterise the different aspects of the didactics of surgery.
The present study shows an initial approach to the didactics of undergraduate surgery in a
private university in Chile. In this way, this study could serve as a basis for future lines of work
in both the qualitative and quantitative areas of the teaching-learning process of undergraduate
surgery, specifically in areas, such as clinical reasoning and simulation.
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