2002, Number 3
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Bioquimia 2002; 27 (3)
Detection of Actinomyces spp, in cervico-vaginal secretions of women with and without intrauterine device
García-Cano RE, Camargo-Velasco A, Carrera-Terrazas A, Galán-Gutiérrez NA, Núñez RV, Rojas CML
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 60-68
PDF size: 380.55 Kb.
Introduction: Alteration of the vaginal ecosystem can be provoked by the use of barrier contraceptives. Diaphragm and intrauterine device (IUD) can worsen this condition. The latter in particular, contributes to an increase in infections. To isolate and identify
Actinomyces spp and other microorganisms from cervico-vaginal secretions of women who have been using IUD and correlating the findings of
Actinomyces with the Papanicolaou stain.
Material and methods: One-hundred and six women were using an IUD and 94 were not. The sample in which
Actinomyces spp and other obligated anaerobes were looked for was immediately cultured in appropiate media. Endocervical samples were taken in order to perform a microbiological study of
Neisseria, Chlamydia, Trichomonas, Mycoplasma and
Ureaplasma. Cells from the uterine cervix were exfoliated in order to have Pap and Gram steins made.
Results: Actinomyces israelii was isolated in 9.7% of all the studied patients who had IUD. Moreover,
A. naeslundii was isolated in four cases and
A. odontolyticus in one. The microbiological studies and the discovery of actinomicotic granules by the Pap stain produced a correlation culture/Pap stain of 50%. Associated bacterial flora was diverse;
Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture was negative.
Conclusions: Actinomyces was not isolated in any of the samples from the 94 IUD non-user women. Anaerobic bacteria colonization was superior in women who were using the IUD as their contraceptive method of choice.
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