2019, Número 3
Consideraciones fisiopatogénicas en fibromialgia
Muñóz-Gaytán DE, Guzmán-Silahua S, Orozco-Barocio G, Rodríguez-Ruiz JA, García-de la Torre I, Orozco-López G, Nava-Zavala AH
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 12
Paginas: 207-209
Archivo PDF: 234.15 Kb.
En la fibromialgia los aspectos fisiopatogénicos son
parcialmente conocidos y nos indican que se trata de
una enfermedad compleja. En este trabajo se muestran
algunas de las hipótesis y teorías que han sido fortalecidas
con evidencia científica reciente.
Andrade A, Vilarino GT, Sieczkowska SM, Coimbra DR, Bevilacqua GG, Steff ens RAK. Th e relationship between sleep quality and fi bromyalgia symptoms. Journal of health psychology. 2018:1359105317751615.
Clauw DJ. Fibromyalgia: a clinical review. Jama. 2014;311(15):1547-55.
Gómez DAC, Torres DOC. Actualidades conceptuales sobre fi bromialgia. Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología. 2016;39:58- 63.
Sumpton JE, Moulin DE. Fibromyalgia. Handbook of clinical neurology. 2014;119:513-27.
Andrade A, Vilarino GT, Bevilacqua GG. What Is the Eff ect of Strength Training on Pain and Sleep in Patients With Fibromyalgia? Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017;96(12):889-93.
Teodoro T, Edwards MJ, Isaacs JD. A unifying theory for cognitive abnormalities in functional neurological disorders, fi bromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome: systematic review. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 2018.
Hulens M, Dankaerts W, Stalmans I, Somers A, Vansant G, Rasschaert R, et al. Fibromyalgia and unexplained widespread pain: Th e idiopathic cerebrospinal pressure dysregulation hypothesis. Medical hypotheses. 2018;110:150-4.
Hauser W, Ablin J, Fitzcharles MA, Littlejohn G, Luciano JV, Usui C, et al. Fibromyalgia. Nature reviews Disease primers. 2015;1:15022.
Bordoni B, Marelli F, Morabito B, Cavallaro F, Lintonbon D. Fascial preadipocytes: another missing piece of the puzzle to understand fi bromyalgia? Open access rheumatology : research and reviews. 2018;10:27-32.
Pas R, Ickmans K, Van Oosterwijck S, Van der Cruyssen K, Foubert A, Leysen L, et al. Hyperexcitability of the Central Nervous System in Children with Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review. Pain medicine. 2018.
Atzeni F, Sarzi-Puttini P. Neurobiological similarities between RA and fi bromyalgia. Nature reviews Rheumatology. 2018.
Martinez-Martinez LA, Mora T, Vargas A, Fuentes-Iniestra M, Martinez-Lavin M. Sympathetic nervous system dysfunction in fi bromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and interstitial cystitis: a review of case-control studies. Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases. 2014;20(3):146-50.