2018, Número 5
Obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares: revisión de literatura
Rangel COM, Luna LCA, Téllez GA, Ley FMT
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 28
Paginas: 269-272
Archivo PDF: 176.87 Kb.
Con el paso de los años, diferentes conceptos atribuidos a temáticas del área de la endodoncia sufren modificaciones. Una de estas etapas es la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares, este procedimiento sumamente minucioso y crítico en la obtención de un resultado exitoso ha tenido en los últimos años importantes aportaciones en términos de aparición de nuevos materiales y técnicas dentro del campo de la endodoncia. La presente revisión de literatura retoma aspectos básicos que junto al más reciente conocimiento sobre obturación endodóncica permitirán al practicante de la endodoncia enfatizar aspectos de la última etapa operatoria del tratamiento de conductos, con el objetivo de contar con diferentes alternativas de información que le permitan actualizar sus conocimientos en el área de la endodoncia.
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Vizgirda PJ, Liewehr FR, Patton WR, McPherson JC, Buxton TB. A comparison of laterally condensed gutta-percha, thermoplasticized gutta-percha, and mineral trioxide aggregate as root canal filling materials. J Endod. 2004; 30 (2): 103-106.
Zmener O, Pameijer CH, Macri E. Evaluation of the apical seal in root canals prepared with a new rotary system and obturated with a methacrylate based endodontic sealer: an in vitro study. J Endod. 2005; 31 (5): 392-395.
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Dadresanfar B, Khalilak Z, Shiekholeslami M, Afshar S. Comparative study of the sealing ability of the lateral condensation technique and the BeeFill system after canal preparation by the Mtwo NiTi rotary system. J Oral Sci. 2010; 52 (2): 281-285.
Mahera F, Economides N, Gogos C, Beltes P. Fluid-transport evaluation of lateral condensation, ProTaper gutta-percha and warm vertical condensation obturation techniques. Aust Endod J. 2009; 35 (3): 169-173.
Bidar M, Sadeghi G, Gharechahi M, Mortazavi M, Forghani M. In vitro comparison of apical leakage in root canals obturated with 0.04 and 0.02 tapered gutta-percha. Iran Endod J. 2010; 5 (3): 97-100.
Koçak MM, Darendeliler-Yaman S. Sealing ability of lateral compaction and tapered single cone gutta-percha techniques in root canals prepared with stainless steel and rotary nickel titanium instruments. J Clin Exp Dent. 2012; 4 (3): e156-e159.
Anantula K, Ganta AK. Evaluation and comparison of sealing ability of three different obturation techniques - Lateral condensation, Obtura II, and GuttaFlow: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent. 2011; 14 (1): 57-61.
Saatchi M, Barekatain B, Behzadian M. Comparing the apical microleakage of lateral condensation and chloroform dip techniques with a new obturation method. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2011; 8 (1): 22-27.
Naseri M, Kangarlou A, Khavid A, Goodini M. Evaluation of the quality of four root canal obturation techniques using micro-computed tomography. Iran Endod J. 2013; 8 (3): 89-93.
Rodrigues A, Bonetti-Filho I, Faria G, Andolfatto C, Camargo Vilella Berbert FL, Kuga MC. Percentage of gutta-percha in mesial canals of mandibular molars obturated by lateral compaction or single cone techniques. Microsc Res Tech. 2012; 75 (9): 1229-1232.
Monticelli F, Sword J, Martin RL, Schuster GS, Weller RN, Ferrari M et al. Sealing properties of two contemporary single-cone obturation systems. Int Endod J. 2007; 40 (5): 374-385.
De-Deus G, Coutinho-Filho T, Reis C, Murad C, Paciornik S. Polymicrobial leakage of four root canal sealers at two different thicknesses. J Endod. 2006; 32 (10): 998-1001.
Eldeniz AU, Ørstavik D. A laboratory assessment of coronal bacterial leakage in root canals filled with new and conventional sealers. Int Endod J. 2009; 42 (4): 303-312.
Savariz A, González-Rodríguez MP, Ferrer-Luque CM. Long-term sealing ability of GuttaFlow versus Ah Plus using different obturation techniques. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2010; 15 (6): e936-e941.
El Sayed MA, Taleb AA, Balbahaith MS. Sealing ability of three single-cone obturation systems: An in-vitro glucose leakage study. J Conserv Dent. 2013; 16 (6): 489-493.
Farea M, Masudi S, Wan Bakar WZ. Apical microleakage evaluation of system B compared with cold lateral technique: in vitro study. Aust Endod J. 2010; 36 (2): 48-53.
de Almeida-Gomes F, Maniglia-Ferreira C, de Morais-Vitoriano M, Carvalho-Sousa B, Guimaraes NL, dos Santos RA et al. Ex vivo evaluation of coronal and apical microbial leakage of root canal--filled with gutta-percha or Resilon/Epiphany root canal filling material. Indian J Dent Res. 2010; 21 (1): 98-103.
Nica LM, Didilescu A, Rusu D, Bacila A, Stratul SI. Photomicrographic evaluation of the apical sealing capacity of three types of gutta-percha master cones: an in vitro study. Odontology. 2012; 100 (1): 54-60.